Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cooking Club

My newest friend had this great idea for how ladies can have a girls' night and eat until we need to hold the pillow in front of our bellies:


Low. Down. One gal hosts the event each month. She decides on a theme and then sends everyone their recipe. All the ladies make their recipe (usually something different, so everyone can try lots of different foods and recipes), brings it to the host's house and then eat!

This month's theme is light and fit summer foods. I was assigned Lemon Asparagus and Fruit & Nut Coleslaw.

Click here for the Lemon Asparagus recipe.

Click here for the Fruit & Nut Coleslaw recipe.

I have to admit that I am nervous for the Lemon Asparagus. When Man Beast and I first started dating (but were also in the "I'm now starting to feel too comfortable around you phase"), I ate some asparagus one night and had Brontosaurus breath the whole night and the next day!

(*Brontosaurus breath is exactly what it sounds like - breath of a beast.*)

So I hope I get invited to the next club meeting.

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